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Introduction to Scratch. Creating games on Scratch. Basics.

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    Scratch constructor program for children is ideal for creating their first game.

    All it takes is the ability to read.
    Children will come up with the mechanics, plot, and characters and build a real game by themselves. 
    Learn the basic concepts of programming with the help of a visual assistant.

    Own game |   Code analysis   |   Team work  |   Game story development

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    Scratch is a programming language and an online community where children can program and share interactive media such as stories, games, and animation with people from all over the world. As children create with Scratch, they learn to think creatively, work collaboratively, and reason systematically. This language is quite easy to learn. It was developed by specialists of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology specifically for teaching children aged 6-9.

    Features of "Introduction to Scratch. Creating games on Scratch. Basics" module and advantages of training at KIBERone CyberSchool

    Scratch programming course for children of The First International CyberSchool consists of 7 classes, during which, together with tutors (our creative IT mentors), boys and girls will get acquainted with the main ideas of real programming in a game-based environment. They will easily learn the concepts of variables, loops, branches, checks, calculations, subroutines, and other important elements for working with code. During the first lesson at our CyberSchool, children will create their own programs with beautiful and lively graphics, with moving, changing appearance and talking characters. In the future, they will master all the features of Scratch, learn to get ideas from their fantasies, create remixes of their favorite popular games. By the end of the module, they will be able to read the programs of their classmates, find errors and fix them.

    Programming training for children with KIBERone CyberSchool is the basis for understanding the logic of programming languages and moving to levels that are more complex. We can teach your child programming and algorithmic thinking by playing - adding and dragging visually understandable Scratch blocks on the principle of Lego constructor, independently collecting program codes, adjusting them and modifying them to suit the requirements and desires. In addition, the result of each change made in the Scratch environment is immediately visible.

    With Scratch programming, it will be easier for children to switch to Python, a more complex multi-functional language for creating serious projects. In the classes, our tutors often draw parallels between visual (Scratch) and code (Python) programming, so as not to discourage the child from learning in the future.

    During the course of programming training at KIBERone CyberSchool, children:

    •  learn and improve concentration, perseverance, and purpose;
    •  thinking the future scenario through and forming ideas, develop imagination, logic, abstract and algorithmic thinking;
    •  create animation with sounds based on their own idea;
    •  get an idea of many mathematical concepts (coordinate systems, variables, random numbers);
    •  design game mechanics;
    •  set and solve problems several ways and also clearly understand the relationship of “condition - result”;
    •  program 2D games that they can play themselves or with friends, post them on the Internet;
    •  work in a team, quickly find a common language with their peers;
    •  gain skills in creating useful and interesting projects to date.

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